Growing up in church, children and young adults are taught so many things. How to pray, the books of the Bible, how to be kind to others, and how to show love. While these and other principles of religion are valuable lessons for living a life that pleases God these aren’t the only lessons that students of the church should be educated in. Sex. Yes, sex. Leaders, elders and adults of the church failed and are failing to teach young adults and children about sex from a biblical perspective. For some reason, it seems as though the church has made any aspect of sex taboo, or forbidden to teach about when in fact this is one subject that deserves more traction. So why does the church avoid the topic of sex? For starters, there are so many distorted images of sex and numerous ideals about what sex is that it’s difficult to decipher what it truly is and its purpose according to denominational beliefs. Pornography, sexual curiosity and the lack of controlling it, being uncomfortable with discussing the many aspects of sex and an inadequacy of knowledge of sexual intimacy are often reasons why sex is considered a restricted subject for discussion in the walls of the church. However, these reasons are the very reasons why conversations and lessons on the truth about sex from a biblical or religious point of view should be priority teachings amongst church goers. Here are a few other reasons why sex must be a consistent topic in the church.
Times when sex is mentioned in Church
Looking at these all too familiar topics, it seems as though sex is viewed in a negative light in the church simply because these are the areas where leaders are comfortable with discussing sex and intimacy. This narrative must change. Here’s why.
Why Sex Must be Discussed Openly in Church
What Leaders can do to Effectively Begin the Conversation:
Everyone struggles with sex and sexuality in the church from married couples who can’t connect intimately, singles who want to live upright but give in to sexual desires, and leaders who are often tempted to step outside of their commitment or struggle within their own marriages. It is no secret that sex exists. It should not be kept a secret in sacred spaces, because it is a sacred act and the beauty of it should be discussed from all aspects. Let’s start talking about sex more in the church for all that it is, not just what’s comfortable.
Liz Lampkin is a Lifestyle, Love and Relationships writer. Follow her on social media @Liz_Lampkin.